Atypical antipsychotics in bipolar depression: Neurobiological basis and clinical implications

Atypical antipsychotics in bipolar depression: Neurobiological basis and clinical implications

Esteve Brugue, Eduard Vieta

The use of atypical antipsychotics is rapidly expanding in the management of bipolar disorder. This therapeutic class appears to have benefits across the spectrum of moods found in bipolar disorder, and a re-examination of the monoamine hypothesis is required. This paper reviews the evidence for the role of monoamines, and particularly dopamine, in bipolar depression and its implications in the treatment of patients, focusing upon the response to atypical antipsychotics. Relevant papers were identified undertaking a literature search using PubMed: preclinical and clinical studies that incriminate the dopaminergic system in bipolar depression, and recent controlled trials supporting the use of atypical antipsychotics, are reviewed. There is substantial evidence indicating that not only serotonin, but also dopamine may still play an important role as a mediator of antidepressant response in bipolar depression. A regionally selective balance between the dopamine and serotonin systems may account for the mood-stabilizing properties of these drugs, and in fact, a low D2 occupancy might be more relevant to bipolar depression than greater 5-HT2 action. This mechanism might correlate with the ability to induce neurogenetic effects. Hence, the greater the atypical profile, the more suitable for bipolar depression. Further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.


Bipolar depression, or the depressive phase of bipolar disorder, represents a difficult-to-treat and disabling form of depression. Although mania and hypomania are the distinctive mood disturbances in bipolar disorder, it is becoming increasingly apparent that depression is the predominant mood alteration in bipolar disorder (Judd and Akiskal, 2003), and the main cause of dysfunction and mortality for patients (Mitchell and Malhi, 2004).

双極性うつ病、すなわち双極性障害のうつ病相は、治療が困難で障害をもたらすうつ病の一形態である。躁病と軽躁病は双極性障害における特徴的な気分障害であるが、うつ病が双極性障害における優勢な気分変化であり(Judd and Akiskal, 2003)、患者の機能障害と死亡の主な原因であることが次第に明らかになってきている(Mitchell and Malhi, 2004)。

Bipolar depression and subthreshold depressive symptoms are far less responsive to conventional therapies than manic symptoms (Frye et al., 2004). Current mood stabilizers and antidepressants have important limitations (Zornberg and Pope, 1993, Vieta, 2003b). Even though clinicians can prescribe agents that permit an improvement of manic symptoms from day one, drugs used in treating depressive symptoms suffer a time lag of several weeks before exerting their clinical effect, perhaps due to complex interactions with second messenger pathways. This delay complicates the work of the physician, especially in the case of rapid cyclers where antidepressants easily worsen the clinical course. Alternative treatment options that prove both safe and effective are clearly needed in the management of bipolar depression.

双極性うつ病や閾値以下のうつ症状は、躁症状に比べて従来の治療に対する反応がはるかに低い(Frye et al., 2004)。現在の気分安定薬や抗うつ薬には重要な限界がある(Zornberg and Pope, 1993, Vieta, 2003b)。臨床医は初日から躁症状を改善できる薬剤を処方できるにもかかわらず、うつ症状の治療に用いられる薬剤は、セカンドメッセンジャー経路との複雑な相互作用のためか、臨床効果を発揮するまでに数週間のタイムラグがある。この遅れは、特に抗うつ薬が臨床経過を悪化させやすいラピッドサイクラーの場合、医師の仕事を複雑にする。双極性うつ病の治療には、安全かつ効果的な代替治療が必要であることは明らかである。

Changes in dopaminergic activity have been implicated in the pathogenesis of mood disorders since the proposal of the monoamine theory in the 1960’s. However, research in the past tended to focus mainly on serotonin and noradrenaline, and there has been a growing appreciation that the role of dopamine (DA) cannot be overlooked if we are to fully understand the neurobiology of depression.


Antipsychotic drugs were developed primarily to treat delusions and hallucinations, but comparative analyses of classic antipsychotics with classic antidepressants in the treatment of depressive symptoms proved their equally effective, and in certain instances even faster, results (Raskin et al., 1970). This could have argued for their wider use as antidepressant drugs per se. However, their take up as antidepressants did not occur to any great degree, presumably because clinicians were concerned about side-effects, and tardive dyskinesia in particular. For many years, antipsychotics remained underused for the treatment of bipolar disorder, especially in the USA, UK and Scandinavian countries, where the use of mood stabilizers was favoured.


In the last few years the arrival of atypical antipsychotics, with their more favourable safety profile, is producing significant changes in the management of bipolar disorder. This therapeutic class appears to have benefits across the spectrum of moods found in bipolar disorder, and a re-examination of the dopamine hypothesis is required.


The purpose of this article is to review the evidence for the role of monoamines, and particularly dopamine, in bipolar depression and its implications in the treatment of patients, focusing upon the response to atypical antipsychotics and other agents acting on dopaminergic and other monoaminergic circuits.

