Schema Therapy Summary
Schema therapy, developed by Jeffrey Young, integrates cognitive, behavioral, and psychodynamic approaches to treat chronic psychological issues, particularly personality disorders. It focuses on maladaptive schemas, coping styles, and modes, which are deeply ingrained patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that originate in childhood.
Origins and Differentiation
Schema therapy evolved from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) but emphasizes developmental origins and lifelong patterns of dysfunction. It addresses chronic issues that traditional CBT often fails to treat effectively, such as personality disorders and chronic depression. Schema therapy is particularly useful for clients with rigid, avoidant, or overly dependent behaviors.
Core Concepts
- Schemas: Early maladaptive schemas (EMS) are self-defeating patterns that develop in childhood and persist into adulthood. They are triggered by life events and lead to intense negative emotions.
- Coping Styles: Individuals develop coping strategies (surrender, avoidance, overcompensation) to deal with schemas, which may become maladaptive over time.
- Modes: Modes are the active states of schemas and coping styles at any given moment. They include Child modes (e.g., Vulnerable Child), Maladaptive Coping modes (e.g., Detached Protector), Dysfunctional Parent modes (e.g., Punitive Parent), and the Healthy Adult mode.
Assessment and Treatment
Assessment involves identifying schemas, coping styles, and modes through interviews, questionnaires, and imagery exercises. Treatment aims to heal maladaptive schemas by using cognitive, experiential, and behavioral techniques. The therapist helps the client develop a Healthy Adult mode to manage dysfunctional modes and meet core emotional needs.
Empirical Support
Research, including a study comparing schema therapy with transference-focused therapy for borderline personality disorder, shows that schema therapy is effective and cost-effective. It reduces psychopathology and improves quality of life, with a lower dropout rate compared to other therapies.
Schema therapy offers a comprehensive framework for treating chronic psychological issues by addressing deep-seated schemas and coping mechanisms. It combines various therapeutic approaches to help clients develop healthier patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Ongoing research continues to support its efficacy.
- スキーマ: 早期不適応スキーマ(EMS)は、幼少期に形成され、成人期まで持続する自己敗北的なパターンです。これらは人生の出来事によって引き起こされ、強い否定的感情を引き起こします。
- コーピングスタイル: 個人はスキーマに対処するために、降伏、回避、過剰補償などのコーピング戦略を発展させますが、これらは時間とともに不適応になることがあります。
- モード: モードは、特定の瞬間に活性化しているスキーマやコーピングスタイルの状態です。これには、チャイルドモード(例:傷つきやすい子ども)、不適応なコーピングモード(例:感情を切り離す保護者)、機能不全なペアレントモード(例:罰する親)、そして健康な成人モードが含まれます。