- 今日、患者は距離を置いているか?
- 競争的な態度を取っていないか?
- 私の言うことに注意を払っていないように見えるか?
- 私の助言を個人的には利用しているが、公には認めないか?
- 過剰に敬意を払っているか?あるいはへりくだりすぎていないか?
- 異議や反対意見をほとんど言わないか?
- 疑い深い、あるいは感情的に距離を置いているか?
- 私が彼の夢や空想に登場することがあるか?もしあるなら、どのような役割を果たしているか?
- 私との想像上の会話の内容は何か?
- 「今日、あなたと私はどのようにやっていますか?」
- 「今日、この空間をどのように感じていますか?」
- 「今から30分後、帰りの車の中で今日のセッションを振り返るとき、あなたは私と自分についてどのように感じるでしょうか?」
- 「今日の私たちの関係について、言葉にされなかった思いや質問は何でしょうか?」
Chapter 4
Engage the Patient
Many patients struggle with intimacy—and for some, simply experiencing a genuine, intimate connection with a therapist can itself be profoundly therapeutic.
Some patients fear intimacy because they believe there is something fundamentally unacceptable or unforgivable about themselves. For these individuals, the simple act of being fully seen—revealing their most vulnerable self—and still being accepted may provide the deepest healing.
Others may avoid intimacy due to fears of exploitation, colonization, or abandonment. For them, a therapeutic relationship characterized by care, respect, and stability—without the anticipated betrayal or harm—can become a corrective emotional experience, challenging their expectations and offering new possibilities for connection.
The Primacy of the Therapeutic Relationship
Nothing is more important in therapy than nurturing and maintaining the therapeutic relationship. I pay careful attention to every subtle shift in how the patient and I relate to each other.
I constantly observe and reflect on the dynamics between us:
- Does the patient seem distant or guarded today?
- Are they competitive or dismissive of my insights?
- Do they use what I say privately but refuse to acknowledge my contributions openly?
- Are they overly respectful or even submissive, rarely voicing disagreement?
- Do they seem detached, suspicious, or untrusting?
- Do I appear in their dreams or daydreams? If so, what role do I play?
- What are the words of imaginary conversations they have with me?
I want to know all of this—and more.
Checking In—Always
I never let a session pass without checking in on our relationship. Sometimes I do this with a simple, direct question:
- “How are you and I doing today?”
- “How are you experiencing the space between us today?”
At times, I encourage the patient to imagine the future:
- “Picture yourself 30 minutes after our session—you’re driving home. How will you feel about you and me today?”
- “What will be the unspoken statements or unasked questions about our relationship?”
By continuously engaging with the patient in this way, the therapeutic relationship itself becomes a laboratory for self-exploration—a place where they can confront and revise their deepest fears and expectations about closeness, trust, and being known.