- 社交的なスキル
- 知的好奇心
- 温かさ
- 友人への忠誠心
- 表現力
- 内なる恐怖に立ち向かう勇気
- 変わろうとする姿勢
- 自己開示への意欲
- 子どもに対する優しさ
- 虐待の連鎖を断ち切ろうとする決意
- 次世代に自らの苦しみを引き継がせまいとする意志
物語『Momma and the Meaning of Life』における精神療法の一場面で、私の主人公であるアーネスト・ラッシュ医師は、非常に魅力的な女性患者に追い詰められる。彼女は率直な質問をぶつける。
「私は男性にとって魅力的ですか? あなたにとっては? もしあなたが私のセラピストでなかったら、私に性的に反応しますか?」
それが何のリスクになるだろうか? 私の考えでは、このような率直さは単に患者があなたやセラピーの過程に対する信頼を深めるだけである。もちろん、こうした率直な応答が他の種類の問いを排除するわけではない。たとえば、患者の動機やタイミング(標準的な「なぜ今?」という問い)について、あるいは過剰な身体性へのこだわりや誘惑の意図が、より重要な問いを覆い隠している可能性についての探求は依然として必要である。
Be Supportive
One of the great values of obtaining intensive personal therapy is to experience for oneself the great value of positive support. Question: What do patients recall when they look back, years later, on their experience in therapy? Answer: Not insight, not the therapist’s interpretations. More often than not, they remember the positive supportive statements of their therapist.
I make a point of regularly expressing my positive thoughts and feelings about my patients, along a wide range of attributes – for example, their social skills, intellectual curiosity, warmth, loyalty to their friends, articulateness, courage in facing their inner demons, dedication to change, willingness to self-disclose, loving gentleness with their children, commitment to breaking the cycle of abuse, and decision not to pass on the ‘hot potato’ to the next generation. Don’t be stingy – there’s no point to it; there is every reason to express these observations and your positive sentiments. And beware of empty compliments – make your support as incisive as your feedback or interpretations. Keep in mind the therapist’s great power – power that, in part, stems from our having been privy to our patients’ most intimate life events, thoughts, and fantasies. Acceptance and support from one who knows you so intimately is enormously affirming.
If patients make an important and courageous therapeutic step, compliment them on it. If I’ve been deeply engaged in the hour and regret that it’s come to an end, I say that I hate to bring this hour to an end. And (a confession – every therapist has a store of small secret transgressions!) I do not hesitate to express this nonverbally by running over the hour a few minutes.
Often the therapist is the only audience viewing great dramas and acts of courage. Such privilege demands a response to the actor. Though patients may have other confidants, none is likely to have the therapist’s comprehensive appreciation of certain momentous acts. For example, years ago a patient, Michael, a novelist, informed me one day that he had just closed his secret post office box. For years this mailbox had been his method of communication in a long series of clandestine extramarital affairs. Hence, closing the box was a momentous act, and I considered it my responsibility to appreciate the great courage of his act and made a point of expressing to him my admiration for his action.
A few months later he was still tormented by recurring images and cravings for his last lover. I offered support.
‘You know, Michael, the type of passion you experienced doesn’t ever evaporate quickly. Of course you’re going to be revisited with longings. It’s inevitable – that’s part of your humanity.’
‘Part of my weakness, you mean. I wish I were a man of steel and could put her aside for good.’
‘We have a name for such men of steel: robots. And a robot, thank God, is what you are not. We’ve talked often about your sensitivity and your creativity – these are your richest assets – that’s why your writing is so powerful and that’s why others are drawn to you. But these very traits have a dark side – anxiety – they make it impossible for you to live through such circumstances with equanimity.’
A lovely example of a reframed comment that provided much comfort to me occurred some time ago when I expressed my disappointment at a bad review of one of my books to a friend, William Blatty, the author of The Exorcist. He responded in a wonderfully supportive manner, which instantaneously healed my wound. ‘Irv, of course you’re upset by the review. Thank God for it! If you weren’t so sensitive, you wouldn’t be such a good writer.’
All therapists will discover their own way of supporting patients. I have an indelible image in my mind of Ram Dass describing his leave-taking from a guru with whom he had studied at an ashram in India for many years. When Ram Dass lamented that he was not ready to leave because of his many flaws and imperfections, his guru rose and slowly and very solemnly circled him in a close-inspection tour, which he concluded with an official pronouncement: ‘I see no imperfections.’ I’ve never literally circled patients, visually inspecting them, and I never feel that the process of growth ever ends, but nonetheless this image has often guided my comments.
Support may include comments about appearance: some article of clothing, a well-rested, suntanned countenance, a new hairstyle. If a patient obsesses about physical unattractiveness I believe the human thing to do is to comment (if one feels this way) that you consider him/her to be attractive and to wonder about the origins of the myth of his/her unattractiveness.
In a story about psychotherapy in Momma and the Meaning of Life, my protagonist, Dr Ernest Lash, is cornered by an exceptionally attractive female patient, who presses him with explicit questions: ‘Am I appealing to men? To you? If you weren’t my therapist would you respond sexually to me?’ These are the ultimate nightmarish questions – the questions therapists dread above all others. It is the fear of such questions that causes many therapists to give too little of themselves. But I believe the fear is unwarranted. If you deem it in the patient’s best interests, why not simply say, as my fictional character did, ‘If everything were different, we met in another world, I were single, I weren’t your therapist, then yes, I would find you very attractive and sure would make an effort to know you better.’ What’s the risk? In my view such candor simply increases the patient’s trust in you and in the process of therapy. Of course, this does not preclude other types of inquiry about the question – about, for example, the patient’s motivation or timing (the standard ‘Why now?’ question) or inordinate preoccupation with physicality or seduction, which may be obscuring even more significant questions.